Sunday, 30 September 2012
So it's my last weekend wishlist of September! This month has literally flown by, as has this year and I can't quite believe we're steering towards the end of 2012 already. I know quite a few Westfield's have been holding a "student lockdown" recently and it just so happens that the one local to me is happening this upcoming Friday. I've been saving a few items, some being the ones I've chosen above especially for this event as many big retail stores will be offering any individual with a valid student card, 20% off.
As both a MAC lipstick and a Marilyn fan, you can probably tell how excited I am about this upcoming collection! Now I say upcoming, the full collection is currently available on the US website but not the UK, as of yet. I've had a peek anyway and I'm literally on edge to get my hands on some products, especially the"Scarlet Ibis" lippy. You can see a picture of the full collection here!
The time has come again for me to have a clear out! I bought these gorgeous Deena & Ozzy shoe boots not that long ago and unfortunately they're a size too big for me (cry). I figured that layering on pairs of socks was not the greatest option to make them fit and so I've decided to put them up for sale! I have a few other things up for sale too, including a brand new dip hem skirt.
To visit, buy or make an offer visit here
Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Jersey Pattern Print Leggings- £9.99
Short Boucle Jacket- £24.99 (Sold Out)
Marled Figure-Fitting Dress- £19.99 (Sold Out)
Full collection found here
I always look forward to H&M's collaborations and when I found out that Lana Del Rey was going to be the face of their fall womenswear line this year, I don't know whether I was more surprised or excited. After having a cheeky look in store, there are definitely some pieces I have my eye on. To be honest, I honestly had no idea what to expect from this collection as her personal style is so unique and really quite varied. Although two of the pieces I've chosen are sold out, I thought I'd include them anyway just in case they come back into stock in the near future, I guess there's only hope that they will!
What are your opinions on Lana Del Rey's collection for H&M?
Sunday, 23 September 2012
Full collection found here
So this is where the nine ASOS Autumn/Winter trend picks comes to an end. And what a better way to end it than with a trend like Ski-Fi, Fantasy. Having a boyfriend studying physics, it's not hard to get wrapped up in related debates conversations. When I saw the titled trend, I had an image in my head that everything would have some sort of galaxy print on it. Can you tell I'm not so fond? However, I've actually been quite surprised and can honestly say there is a lot more to it than that.
For example, I've never seen anything like these jeans before. And they're everything I like in a jean, high waisted, skinny and grey! so, the fact that they're metallic just creates an added bonus. At £60, I'll have to think carefully about just how much I need them in terms of how much my bank would suffer.
These platforms are another piece out of the ordinary, but in a good way. The plastic side panels give it that little extra and if you're looking at it in a practical sense, a bit more support. I think they would look great paired with the Just Female metallic jeans, a plain white top and blazer!
I almost feel sad that's it's come to an end, I've really enjoyed putting these picks together and I really hope you've enjoyed them! Maybe I'll be able to do something similar in the future.
So, what's been your favourite ASOS Autumn,Winter trend?
Bad things happen when the time comes to post my weekend wishlist! Although they're definitely one of my favourite things to put together as well as reading from an observers point of view.
You're probably sick to death of hearing about my love for all things leather related, so I think it pretty much speaks for itself as to why I want these (in every colour).
Today I ordered this top in two different colours after regrettably not buying the whole stock when I visited the Monki shop in London a few months back. I can't wait to just chuck these on over the top of any outfit.
I can't believe how inexpensive these shoe boots are, when you compare them to what you'd pay in other retail stores such as Topshop, Schuh or Office, what a steal! Not quite ankle boots, but I think I quite like that.
Next is this squirrel umbrella, I just thought this was such a cute design for Autumn/Winter. I'm sure my friend would agree with me when I say I'm definitely in need of one, as I've been using hers for the past two weeks.
Lastly is a product I found through Molly's blog, something I didn't even know existed! As my nails are in a bit of a state, recovering from a set of acrylics I had done, I'm excited to try this out and see what I make of it.
Saturday, 22 September 2012
This trend is well, very berry. From the colour pallete in this trend, I am undeniably more of a burgundy type of girl, especially when it comes to Autumn/Winter.
I originally saw these boots in black and have been hunting the internet for a cheaper alternative, then I saw them in "oxblood red" and honestly I'm not sure how much longer I can go on without them.
Turtle necks, currently my most wanted clothing item. I'm really starting to feel the cold this week and I think it's about time I invested in one of these cropped top thermals. As I find myself wearing my hair up the majority of the time, I'm really counting on these to keep my neck nice and cosy in the cold!
Are you, very berry this Autumn/Winter?
Friday, 21 September 2012
1 BA&SH Maxi Dress In Oriental Bird Print £220 2 Borders&Frontiers Large Butterfly Shopper £22 £17.50
Full collection found here
Eastern Opulence, well there's no doubt this trends shows just that. As you will know if you've been following my blog for the past week, I've been posting daily about my "trend picks" from ASOS' A/W'12 trends. During this time, I came across the British designer Alice Temperley of who's work is also shown in the collage above. As a student interested in Anthropology and an outsider passionate in Fashion journalism, I can't help but be almost, mesmorised by the background of Eastern culture and the affluence that has been interpreted into the designs of the trend.
I feel the two items that I've chosen uses the decadence of the trend but in a more subtle, monotone way. This BA&SH maxi dress, well just look at it. The print, the flow, the cut I just think it's so classy! I would definitely consider it a more mature choice in clothing, especially considering I live in t-shirts and jeans while I'm studying at the moment. I don't think it matters though I can just envisage owning this dress, and in twenty years, opening my wardrobe and still seeing it standing out to me.
Next is this Borders&Frontiers pure cotton shopper bag, again with this gorgeous link of prints. I actually think these bags make great gifts, potential Christmas presents perhaps? Being currently in the sale, it makes the idea even better.
Do you like Temperley London's "Eastern Opulence" designs?
Thursday, 20 September 2012
1 Casio DB-360GN-9AEF Digital Gold Watch £50 2 ASOS Houndstooth Shorts £30
Full collection found here
Full collection found here
Man up! Something I tell myself on a regular basis rather than dressing like it. I've actually become way more fond of this trend than I thought I would. The gold Casio watch is something I've been wanting for a while to update on my plastic black one I've had for years, so it was almost compulsory that I add it to the list. I know that my boyfriend has been eyeing it up for a while as well, maybe I can convince him to buy it for himself and then borrow it and never give it back?
Also, I had to include these gorgeous houndstooth shorts that remind me so much of my childhood, I remember wearing a pair similar with a pair of white tights and some classic Clarks boots. I like to think I'd be able to bring these babies back and possibly use them to lift up an outfit, perhaps with a different pair of tights this time though.
Wednesday, 19 September 2012
Full collection found here
Military, definitely one of the trends I'm going to be taking with me into Autumn/Winter this year. If only you could see my eBay watch list, it's pretty much a khaki overload. I mentioned in the first post how I was inspired by llymlrs who originally posted a haul featuring this trend and some of the item's she'd purchased (here).
Here I've picked out the two items I liked the most from the collection, including this gorgeous knitted jumper. I often feel like I don't own enough knitwear, especially when you spend a lot of time around a friend who lives in it. This is actually the first time I've seen a jumper in this khaki colour that's being associated with this current trend and I think it works so well again with the contrasted shoulder pads. Paired with a collared shirt, I think this would look lovely.
Next is this "military shirt". I've been on a hunt for a shirt similar to this one for months now after missing out on owning the Topshop version and being outbid on one on eBay. I bet you can imagine my reaction when I saw this one!
Are you taking the "military trend" into Autumn/Winter, or are you leaving it behind?
Sale Steals
1 MOTO Oversized Sleeveless Biker Jacket £45 £15
2 Stripe Vest By Boutique £70 £20
3 Ark Tortoise Chateu Sunglasses £9.99 £5
4 Blink Studded High Top Trainers £64 £45
Hi guys, just a quick post in between my daily ASOS Autumn/Winter trend picks as I feel like it's almost taking over my blog at the moment. I am looking to create some more lookbook posts for you, just lately it's proving difficult as a full time student to find the time to photograph as by the time I get home of an evening, the lighting is just too dark. I hope you don't mind!
Anyway, I've seen a few bloggers do posts on their sale finds and thought it was a really good idea! There's nothing better than finding something you really like, especially when it's in the sale. Recently the sale's haven't been that interesting since really we're in the transition between the two major sales of the year, Summer and Winter. However, here are some key pieces I've found in the sale recently that I am totally loving.
I thought instead of going through the items with you, I'd just share them. Then you can determine whether you like them yourselves and maybe even share your own "sale steels"?
Tuesday, 18 September 2012

1 Nail Rock Designer Collection Ellery-Floral Vases £8
Regardless of whether or not this trend fits in with my current style, I still found a couple of items (such as the ones above) that I've definitely taken a fancy to. Let's start with the Doc's, you've probably figured out by now that a few many Dr Martens are listed in my current "I want them, but can't afford them all" list and these Libery London William Morris classics have definitely made it into the top three. Since having drafted this post three days ago they've actually been reduced in price, only by £24 mind but still (I think it's trying to tell me something).
Last is these Nail Rock wrap collections I've been keen to try yet never really taken the plunge. The concept of them really appeals to me but being a total amateur at anything nail related, I'd probably mess them up and wished I'd spent £8 on something I'm good at instead (like eating nandos).
Let me know, would you recommend?
Monday, 17 September 2012
1 ASOS Limited Edition Biker Coat £150 2 ASOS Top In Knit/Leather Look Sleeves £25
Full collection found here
Full collection found here
Day three and my favourite of all, leather! If these items weren't real leather, my bank account would be seriously suffering right now. The items take the whole contrasted leather trend we've been seeing everywhere lately to the next level. The leather gilet and the wool undercoat gives a real edge to what I would see as a stereotypical winter coat having been stripped down, it's good to know warmth doesn't have to out-rule fashion anyway.
Leather is personally my daily outfit essential, not many days go by where you will see me without wearing it of some kind. Recently though I feel it's become more of a struggle as a vegetarian to find faux leather of quality and especially when compared to numbers such as the two I've chosen above. Never mind eh, looks like the search continues!
What about you, does real fur put you off buying?
Sunday, 16 September 2012
Day two of my ASOS A/W trend picks and we're here with "Baroque Rocks". The characteristics of this trend shouts Victorian at me, with the almost lavish and bold embellishments these designs really do look like a work of art. I think you really have to be certain of your style to interpret this trend into your wardrobe, something I definitely wouldn't consider myself as.
Although, I do feel pieces like this could be used and dressed down is why I have chosen them over anything else featured in the collection. Take this skirt for example, although it still fits in with the Baroque trend the black jumper ASOS have paired with it in my opinion looks gorgeous. I'd add a pair of tights and some ankle boots and be good to go.
As for the wedges, I do feel they are quite a statement piece in itself and so if I were to style these, I would definitely go for a classic LBD and some silver jewelry to complement it.
Again, I'd love to know what your opinions are of this trend! I'm still sure unsure of whether I'm loving it or totally hating it.
This makeup bag by Topshop is so pretty, I've been looking for a nice, cheap makeup bag that I can pop in my college bag to hold my essentials in without taking up too much room. For only £8 this would be so ideal for makeup, sanitary necessities or even a pencil case!
I feel as though my blog has been focused on A/W appropriate clothing, but I can't help it! I don't remember being this impressed with any season trends for a long time and one of my all time favourite styles has to be knee high's and Dr Martens (here's my take). When I saw these velvet Doc's with the re-occuring berry theme paired with the velvet, mhm boy did good! As of now, I am saving every spare penny in order to get my hands on these.
Now, I know I've already purchased my winter coat but what's the harm in looking at more right? The style of the coat is so timeless and definitely justifies the price, this is a coat you could buy and still be wearing for years to come.
Last is yet another MAC lipstick, this time in "Creme Cup". I've given up looking at endless amounts of swatches and decided to just go ahead and treat myself, I think it's about time.
Saturday, 15 September 2012
After watching a video on llymlrs' youtube channel regarding a "Military" trend haul from ASOS' A/W '12 collection, I was interested to see what other types of trends are going to be appearing in our upcoming seasons. After searching through the featured categories, I came up with two of my favourite different products each to share with you.
1 ASOS Shirt With Geo Jacquard £35 2 DINO Velvet Flatform Trainers £25
Full collection found here
Full collection found here
Firstly is the "Gothic" and I'm not gonna lie and say this style is something I usually look or go for and so I admit it was a struggle for me to find something that is to my own style within this trend collection. However, I have to say I am really loving these two items! I remember seeing these velvet flatform trainers before even looking through the different collections and surprisingly wanting to own them. Now I say surprisingly mainly because the style of shoe is something I never really go for yet I can't help thinking how nice they would look paired with a dress and tights. Another thing I really like about these two items, the shirt in particular is the colour, very similar to the "Very Berry" trend pallete it somehow reminds me of mulled wine. Almost warm and in my opinion the perfect shading for Autumn and Winter.
Now you're probably wondering where all my other "picks" from the collection are. Considering how long they were put together, I figured it would be best to seperate them over a nine day period with one trend for each day. I hope you don't mind this set out as I'm really excited to tell you about some of my favourite pieces without making a post that drags on for too long.
Anyway, what are your opinions of the "Gothic" trend ASOS have put together? Will you be purchasing any to add to your own Autumn/Winter wardrobe?
Sunday, 9 September 2012
Whenever I go through a period of shopping online, I always feel like I haven't been shopping in ages. I don't know why but I'm guessing it's because I'm unable to physically see the damage of passing sums of money over. I'm not sure I like it really, especially when there's always something I want but can no longer afford. Nevertheless, I still can't stop myself from wishing.
So, this week it starts with Vero Moda. Not usually a shop I buy from, or ever go in infact although I came across the website through well, boredom really and ended up finding this gorgeous Madeline shirt. As they are a Danish brand-label it's no surprise that the website is in euro's, which often puts me off. However, after picking your country it translates their currency into your own, similar to the NastyGal website. This makes shopping internationally for me, so much easier. The 3/4 length sleeves makes it ideal for the next upcoming season and perfect for layering under chunky knits in the Winter.
More boots, send help! Even after recently buying a pair of Deena & Ozzy boots, I still find myself wanting more. Looking at it in a practical way, at least my winter boot collection would be complete right? They do look quite like slippers due to the poor quality sole I will admit, but the fact that they are fur lined sold them to me. I can imagine slipping them for college on a cold morning and being snug all day.
Now for the thing I want the most, some military style trousers. They're similar to the leggings I posted in my last wishlist from H&M and over double the price but I find them way more versatile as being trousers, they can be worn both casual and smart. With work placement coming up, I want a pair of smart trousers that are nice without making me look like a school teacher so I think these would fit the criteria just fine.
Ever since visiting a vintage shop and seeing a shirt with collar tips, (that was ridiculously overpriced) I haven't stopped looking around for a pair to add to my own collection of shirts. As I find myself either wearing gold or silver, I figured instead of two different pairs, I'd go for a pair of rose gold ones. At £6 from Monki instead of £10-16 at Topshop, what a bargain.
Next is a luxury that I've been wanting to buy for some time now yet never been able to justify the price. This perfume, Thierry Mugler "Alien" always reminds me of one of my friends, it's her signature smell and every time I'm around her I find myself wanting it even more. For £42 a 30ml bottle, I don't think it will be added to another list until at least Christmas.
And at last but not least is this bag. I remember seeing it and having to take a second look to believe I'd seen things properly. The stag figure head situated on the front clasp reminds me so much of everything Christmasy. I love bags that give you the option between a shoulder strap and an arm strap, often I find my shoulder getting achy after carrying a bag on it for a long period of time and so it's good to mix things up a little. I shall not rest until this bag is mine, that's for sure.
Saturday, 8 September 2012
Although designer brands are going to be much better quality than anything found on the high street, are they really worth the price tag? Or are we paying for the name as opposed to the product? I think there's got to be some truth in that somewhere. Regardless of whether or not it's true, Alexander Wang did good on this bag. I think the fact that it's such a statement piece makes me attracted to it, I can imagine it would look amazing with a more casual outfit with a pair of jeans and some leather.
One thing that would worry me most about buying a light suede bag this expensive would be maintaining it. If I owned it, I don't think I'd ever want to take it off my shoulder or put it on the floor, especially being suede, it would be the biggest terror to clean.
As the bag is on sale for less than half of it's original price, it does make the bag more affordable however at £300, it is still quite a steep purchase.
eBay Suede Multi-Strap Satchel- £32.99
After seeing this bag almost everywhere through celebrities such as Amanda Seyfried, it's no surprise there are dupes readily available at a fraction of the price (not that I'm complaining).
In terms of how they differ in appearance, it's obvious that the straps on the original Alexander Wang bag are more compact to the bag itself as I feel the eBay dupe looks a bit more scattered, I think I like that a bit more though. Another good thing about this dupe is the fact that it's not real suede, as I mentioned a previous post, I do avoid purchasing any products made with animal goods and so this does make the bags appeal increase.
Often ordering online from unknown sellers can be quite hit and miss and so it's almost a gamble that the product itself is going to look exactly as the picture suggests. Fortunately I managed to find that Kavita from She Wears Fashion actually brought the bag and featured it in one of her blog posts. Actually seeing her wearing it has definitely made me want to go out and order one for myself!
What do you think about the quality of this dupe? Has High Street outdone Designer?
Friday, 7 September 2012
My Recent Skin Care Makeup Products
All reviews my personal opinion and on the basis of my own skin type.
Skin Wisdom 24hr Moisturiser £2.66
Benefit Pore Professional Primer £23.50
Clinique Moisture Sheet Tint- Blond
Rimmel Stay Matte Powder- 001 Transparent £3.99
No7 Bronzing Powder- Sun Kissed
Everything else:
No7 Brow Pencil- 15
No7 Intense Volume Mascara- Black
Essence Get Big Mascara- Black
MAC Matt Lipstick- Pink Plaid
For me, moisturiser is the most important product I use on my face and find it really makes a difference on the finished result of my makeup as well as keeping my skin hydrated during the day. As my skin is temperamental, to most things in fact I tend to go for beauty products that are hypoallergenic and fragrance free, often I find that this reduces the quality and texture in relation to how well moisturisers in particular work on my skin. Although I usually go for a thicker based mosituriser such as The Body Shop's Carrot Cream (review here) which was unfortunately discontinued, I've been on the hunt for a similar product that suits my skin as well. So far, I've found no problems with Skin Wisdom however I wouldn't rave on about it, I guess it's just OK.
Before applying my foundation, I apply Benefit's Pore Professional Primer to the areas of my skin most prone to blemishes and also under my cheek bones, I find this is the area of my skin that is more likely to turn blotchy as the day goes on. As far as my opinion goes on this product, I'm still undecided. I find using this product definitely helps to sustain my foundation on for longer, however in terms of diminishing the appearance of pores I'd say it does very little, if not nothing. As I was lucky enough to grab hold of this 7.5ml sample in Glamour magazine a few additions back, I didn't have to pay the price of £23.50 in order to give this product ago, especially after reading so many positive reviews on it. As to whether or not I will purchase a full sized tube after I run out, who knows.
Next is a product I've only been using since the start of summer. After a disastrous relationship with the Estee Lauder Double Wear foundation and my skin, (review here) I've become so wary about trying new skin products, especially foundations. After talking about it with my boyfriend's mom, she suggested I try Clinique's Moisture Sheer Tint Foundation and kindly gave me a tube. At first, I was apprehensive about using a tinted moisturiser as my daily foundation, purely because I like my foundations to have at least a medium coverage. I admit, I was pleasantly surprised. As this product is allergy tested and 100% fragrance free it's been perfect this summer for the days when I don't want to be using a heavier product on my face due to the fact that my skin tends to get more sensitive/greasy making me more prone to break outs. Unfortunately, after doing some research I've found out that they've actually discontinued the product (always happens to me). As I won't be able to get my hands on it anymore, I think I'll go back to using Maybelline Super Stay 24hr until I pick up the courage to try something different.
For the final touches to my face, I use Rimmel's Stay Matte Powder in the shade Transparent. I just find this helps to smooth out any uneven tones found mainly around my jaw and chin area and also helps to set my foundation. It's the only makeup I've used religiously for years and is something I always re-purchase. At a price of £3.99, this product is a total steel.
As being pale is one of my most biggest personal flaws, it's always necessary to finish my makeup off using a bronzer. No7's Bronzing Powder in "Sun Kissed" is one of the loveliest product's I've used in terms of face powders/blushers. The contrast of browns and creams is so easily blended into your foundation and really helps to lift my skin tone.
Although I'm satisfied with all items featured in this post as of recently, I'm yet to find a range of products that have no disappointing factors to them. I'd love if if you guys had any recommendations for fair skin that I could have a look out for or even possibly try!
I've also found that my posts have been quite word-heavy recently, I hope you guys don't mind! Let me know of any other posts you'd like to see, I'd be happy for suggestions!
Wednesday, 5 September 2012
I realise my blog has become a shoe overload recently, sorry! But I'm having a clear out and unfortunately that means letting go of things I don't want to but probably should. Starting with my trustry Topshop Lita style platform heels featured above and a vintage open/cold shoulder shirt.
Sunday, 2 September 2012
Competition: Passion For Fashion
I was recently contacted about entering an exciting competition called "Passion For Fashion" held by Money Supermarket. Entrants are asked to design five different outfits for Autumn/Winter, calculating at under £200 and in order to suit five different occasions, office wear, casual, first date, outdoor and party. There's nothing more I love than internet clothes browsing and telling you about my finds! But when you can do this and, get the chance of winning some very exciting prizes then what have you got to loose? If you're interested in entering and want more information about how to get started then visit here to find out more.
1 Zara Suede Combined Shopper £49.99 / 2 H&M Covered Heel £29.99 / 3 Miss Selfridge Black Tunic Dress £35
Total Price= £162.98
As soon as I saw the word "office wear" mentioned, I kinda scared myself into thinking it was an impossible task considering I, a teenager with no office work experience has never had to think or even imagine, style in the workplace beforehand. For me, I think this made it the most challenging outfit out of the five. I put my mind to the task regardless and created this!
I think once you get past ways of working with different clothing that maintain a professional look, it's easy to get to terms with adding different (yet suitable) pieces to suit your own personal style. Take this dress for instance, simple and black with mesh sleeves yet very smart and also so easy to work with.
Paired with metal covered heels and the contrast of the browns within the watch and the bag helps to give the outfit that well deserved edge.
Finally, I added this gorgeous Radley printed umbrella, just for safes keepings as after all, a Brit stepping outside the house without an umbrella is a risky one at that!
4 Topshop Washed V Tee by Boutique £25 / 5 Dr Marten Originals £60 via eBay / 6 Cheap Monday Second Skin Jeans £50
Total Price= £172
What casual day is without a hat? I think my over-sized beanie from Topshop was my survival kit for both warmth and comfort last Autumn/Winter and is possibly why I plan on stocking up on these ridiculously cheap Evelina hat's from Monki this upcoming year.
The thing I like most about "casual" outfits is that they are so easily put together, yet still look like you've put way more effort in than you actually have. I find sunglasses an essential when it comes to the less casual days (or should I say the days where you don't bother wearing any makeup), I don't know what it is but they somehow make you feel better when your not feeling up to scratch.
Anyway, let's talk jeans. So versatile and so comfy that it's almost difficult to not want to wear them every day for the rest of my life. Although these Cheap Monday jeans are a little on the pricey side, it is definitely worth investing in some more expensive jeans if it means the quality is there. After all, I personally don't think I will ever stop reaching for mine.
Footwear, I chose to pair this outfit with some classic Dr Martens. Just because, why not? Another investment I must admit, however I've had my docs for three years now and they are still going strong. Plus, if you're like me and need some encouragement to splurge that much money, I've linked you to the cheapest option I could find (almost £30 cheaper) yep, you heard.
Lastly, the lipstick I find myself going to the most "Pink Plaid" by Mac. While it makes my lips feel like they've been smothered in vaseline after just one appliance, it also makes them look nice too with almost the least amount of effort required.
1 Topshop Tencil Jersey Panel Biker Jacket £45 / 2 Converse All Star Leather High Tops via eBay £54.99 3 Monki Becka Top £6 / 4 H&M Jersey Sequin Skirt £14.99 / 5 Barry M Lipstick "Peachy Pink" £4.49 / 6 Select Studded Bag £14
Total Price= £139.47
First date's are always the outfits you put the most thought (and worry) into. For me, it's about having a focus point that is considered a bit more dressy and then dressing them down with other items. In this case I've chosen this gorgeous sequined skirt from Miss Selfridge. Adding the leather finished Converse helps to create the right contrast between what could be considered "too much" paired with say a pair of flatforms.
For the rest of the outfit, I chose to stick to the theme of black as for me, I feel it works better than having a range of different colours. Apart from the lippy of course, you can't go wrong with using a bright lipstick to add a pop of colour to a dark outfit (unless your a first date kissing type of girl).
Personally I feel this outfit would be ideal especially if you are unsure of where you're going as it would be appropriate for a varied amount of occasions, whether that be for a meal, a drink or even a more casual date to the cinema. After all, you want to be able to feel comfortable in what you're wearing.
1 River Island Black Coated Molly Jeggings £40 / 2 Monki Lerima Top £5 / 3 Zara Studded Leather Shopper £69.99
Total Price= £190.98
"Outwear", most definitely my favourite outfit out of the lot, I think mainly due to it being so me. Again, I feel using key pieces like a pair of faux leather jeans with a simple plain white t-shirt and throwing this gorgeous camoflage cardigan from Topshop over the top helps to give the outfit something different. Don't forget, cardigans are also so easy to layer or even be layered. So necessary once the colder days and evenings start coming in.
It's all about the details with this bag, firstly it's size. If you're similar to me and like carrying a bag that is excessively big around with you which only ends up being filled with unnecessary junk then this is perfect (not to mention the studs).
Boots, self explanatory as an Autumn/Winter staple I think. Anybody who knows me will understand just how much I am loving western style shoes, boots and heels at the moment and is why I can't wait to get my hands on these boots from H&M so that I can create this outfit myself. I think layered with multiple pairs of socks, they are everything you need in a shoe for the approaching season.
1 Motel Pearl Strapless Skater Dress £42 / 2 Rihanna Reb'l Fleur 30ml £19.50 / 3 ASOS Plate And Spike Belt £15
4 Mac Longwear "Dress It Up" £16.50 / 5 Select Stud Clutch £8 / 6 Gogophilip Skull Ring £5 / 7 Zara Court Shoe £49.99
Total Price= £155.99
I am always one for matching my accessories and in this case, shoes. Having the rose gold effect running throughout the outfit brings it together and I think it works really well.
As for lipstick, I decided to use one of Mac's long wear lipstick/lipcreme's in the shade I feel works best with the outfit "Dress It Up". Although I am yet to try, I have heard nothing but good feedback from those who have. Who wants to be re-applying their lipstick all the time when they're out anyway?
To finish the outfit off, I featured my favourite perfume by Rihanna. There is nothing more I hate that paying for an expensive perfume that doesn't last on your skin for longer than an hour. Reb'l Fleur is so inexpensive and yet I still find myself waking up the next morning with the scent on my wrist, definitely my party necessity.
I hoped you enjoyed this post guys and don't forget to give it a go yourself for a chance of winning!
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